View Full Version : SSL errors on QT HTTP example application

7th August 2010, 08:32
I recently decided to upgrade my application from Openssl 0.98 to 1.0.0a. I've been using a static build of OpenSSL, such that I build OpenSSL and then rebuild QT in MSYS so that it incorporates SSL support.

The build of QT appears to go okay, but after upgrading to Openssl 1.0 I can't even get the basic QT HTTP build to work without errors. Whenever I attempt to download an https page with it, it pops up an error message: "One or more SSL errors has occurred: No error, No error".

Apparently, "No error, No error" is the content of calling errorString. So apparently, the program is throwing an sslErrors signal, but then the contents of the errors is "No error". Even stranger, the program has successfully downloaded the https page.

I would chalk this up to it erroneously throwing the error signal, but my application is still using the older QHttp class, and there, it raises the error flag and SSL connections just don't work.

The whole thing is really strange. Has anyone seen or heard of anything like this before, or have any ideas on where I can start debugging this?

7th August 2010, 21:50
FYI, I just tried out the pre-compiled OpenSSL 1.0.0a libraries from here:

Same problem. Is QT just not compatible with OpenSSL 1.0?

8th August 2010, 00:40
Switched to SSL 0.9.8o and am seeing the same problems. Does anyone have any idea why my QT could be apparently compiling correctly and throwing these false errors?

17th February 2011, 16:23
My application uses QNetworkAccessManager to communicate with a backend web server.

I am also seeing this issue. Since recompiling the Qt libs with a newly compiled libeay32.lib and ssleay32.lib I now see two "No error" errors reported at the end of the list whenever I try to connect using SSL.

We have tried various combinations of Qt 4.6.2, Qt 4.7.1, openssl 0.9.8e and openssl 1.0.0d

18th February 2011, 13:50
Ok, Im sorry, I didn't try the other configurations correctly. I recompiled openssl-0.9.8r but I did not get the dlls to my app folder.

This morning I backtracked and double checked and when I recompile openssl-0.9.8r and put the dlls in my app folder the problem does not show up any longer. So it seems that what you said earlier about a Qt problem with openssl-1.0.x might be the issue.

Hope this helps,
Jim Hanson
Tenable Network Security