View Full Version : Webcam DirectShow

11th August 2010, 17:08
How can i grab image from webcam using DirectShow? (Prefferable in Qt-application)
Can anybody post here compilable sources?

21st August 2010, 17:33
You can do it easily (and multiplatform) with OpenCV - http://opencv.willowgarage.com/documentation/index.html . If you really need to use DShow ( or you just want to ) try windows SDK, should be full of code samples: http://msdn.microsoft.com/en-us/windows/aa904949.aspx . Here is a list of DShow examples in SDK: http://msdn.microsoft.com/en-us/library/dd375468(VS.85).aspx

7th September 2010, 17:43
I am doing just that at the moment! I have taken over Windows-based project that uses a combination of Qt, DirectShow/DirectX and OpenCV. It records from webcams.

However, there seems to be a little too much DirectShow/DirectX code in there if you ask me. So please post your findings to make it as Qt + OpenCV (and therefore portable) as possible. I will do the same.

18th September 2010, 17:49
a <DirectShow for Qt> project is in progress : check this link ( and even try the sample).
Currently presentation its in french but it will be translated soon.


27th August 2011, 19:34
Access to above link is currently forbidden...
