View Full Version : Problem updating a layout

14th August 2010, 16:23
Hi. I really hope that this is the right section to place my question..:P
Well the problem is that i have a layout with a customized widget that renders a graph in openGL.. but each time i remove the widget from the layout to add a new one, with a different graph, the previous one stays there...( this makes the screen show sometimes the older graph and sometimes the new when i press the mouse in the widget area).
I've already made a lot of updates and destroys on the previous one but the image really like where it is. The only way i can make the previous to stop rendering is to resize the whole application.. after that the previous stops showing..
i don't have a clue of what to do... does anyone know how to solve this
thanks in advance

14th August 2010, 17:01
Maybe you should post some code. At least the code where you add and remove the widgets to the layout.
Otherwise it's difficult to help here.

14th August 2010, 21:35
the initial code is this:

self.imageLabel = QLabel()
self.imageLabel.setContextMenuPolicy(Qt.ActionsCon textMenu)
self.imageLabel.setPixmap(QPixmap.fromImage(QImage ("images/img1.jpg")))

self.centralLayout = QHBoxLayout()

after this to change the widget or replace by other this is what i do

self.imageLabel = GLWidget(self.graph, self.leftGL, self.rightGL, self.bottomGL, self.topGL, self.colors, self)


16th August 2010, 21:13
So you removeWidget()...what do you do with the removed widget?

16th August 2010, 23:14
hmmm nothing... i just remove it and replace it by other... should i be doing something else?

16th August 2010, 23:50
Yes. You should delete it, using the delete() or deleteLater() function as appropriate.

17th August 2010, 00:21
delete? but the qwidget class doesn't have any delete... how do i do that?

17th August 2010, 00:38
Actually it has the deleteLater(); (http://doc.qt.nokia.com/4.6/qobject.html#deleteLater) member slot (inherited from QObject)

LE: Back to original problem, have you tried to call repaint() (http://doc.qt.nokia.com/4.6/qwidget.html#repaint) (see also update() (http://doc.qt.nokia.com/4.6/qwidget.html#update)) after you change the central widget (or maybe another idea is to use the same widget and update it as necessary)