View Full Version : Issue with QFTP sending commandFinished signal before command is finished

17th August 2010, 12:37
Hi all, I've written an updater for a project I'm working on and all was well for a while, however I've noticed a bug in it.

I'm using http://doc.qt.nokia.com/4.6/network-qftp.html that as a reference, and implemented the ftpCommandFinished function as layed out there (with some tweaks for pushing a loop counter up). The updater checks a table, gets the version numbers and compares it to the version numbers stored on the machine, that works fine. One file downloads will work fine but then things get strange.

The second file will intermittently work, sometimes it'll download fine, other times commandFinished is being sent, then the file is closed and *then* it's send again after the file is closed, so I end up with an empty file. If I add another download on then the second file downloads fine, but the third will intermittently download. Add a fourth, and so on.

Has anyone run across something like this before? Or have I just got incredibly poor luck!