View Full Version : QGraphicsView + steady Items

25th August 2010, 08:12
Hi Everybody

I have a scene with some items on it and I apply some transform operations to the graphicsview( rotate, move, zoomin, zoomout). But I want to keep some buttons( may be Items) on the right top corner of the scene no meter what.

If I rotate the scene these buttons should not be rotated or so. So I want some items ignores view transforms(if needed) or something like that.
That is the best way to achieve it? I just need some directions...

P.s. The task is to create some controls on the scene to manipulate scene. Controls should be on the same positions all the time.

Thank you!

25th August 2010, 12:28
Only if you had searched in assistant.. QGraphicsItem::ItemIgnoresTransformations !!

25th August 2010, 19:20
thank you!! I did in the past%-)