View Full Version : Problem using Phonon

30th August 2010, 19:11
Hi, I have a problem using Phonon, I don't know if I have to install something(else from QT) , I ran the example in http://api.kde.org/4.0-api/kdelibs-apidocs/phonon/html/phonon_tut1.html(copied and pasted), modified the .pro file to include QT += phonon, and it gave me this error: 5121. Could anybody show me the right way to do a simple media player, or show me what I am doing wrong? It should be easy, but I don't know what Im doing wrong.

Thanks beforehand, for taking the time to try helping me

1st September 2010, 14:33
You should install the phonon libraries. I can't give you more clues. I am using Linux :p