View Full Version : how to control a webpage via Qt?

30th August 2010, 20:55
I want to control a webpage via a Qt program.

I want to fill in "text-boxes" and click on buttons.

I was thinking that WebKit will be the way to go, but I can not find a way to modify a given page...

Any ideas will be appreciated!


30th August 2010, 21:05
Go through QWebPage and QWebElement.

30th August 2010, 21:36
Hi Wysota,

Thanks. I gone that far, but I can not find a way to actually modify an element.

Below my code:

void Window::examineChildElements(const QWebElement &parentElement,
QTreeWidgetItem *parentItem)
QWebElement element = parentElement.firstChild();
while (!element.isNull()) {

QTreeWidgetItem *item = new QTreeWidgetItem();
item->setText(0, element.tagName());

if (element.tagName()=="TEXTAREA")
--->>>//How do I modify the content of TEXTAREA? <<<----

examineChildElements(element, item);

element = element.nextSibling();

My questions are:

- Should I use the tagName to identify items?
- And once I find an element (i.e. a texBox, how do I modify it's contents? (i.e. fill-in a TextBox, check a combobox, click on a button?)

Thanks in advance!


30th August 2010, 21:46
You are manipulating DOM here. I'd guess for TEXTAREA you should set the "value" attribute of the element or possibly add a text child to the element. To check a checkbox you probably need to set the "checked" attribute to "true", etc. To click on a button it's probably easiest to evaluate a proper javascript:

You can modify the contents with javascript too:

textarea.evaluateJavaScript("this.value = \"some new value for text area\"");

30th August 2010, 22:16
Master of Zen, Thanks!

I guess I am getting closer, but still no luck. My code looks like this:

void Window::examineChildElements(const QWebElement &parentElement,
QTreeWidgetItem *parentItem)
QWebElement element = parentElement.firstChild();
while (!element.isNull()) {

QTreeWidgetItem *item = new QTreeWidgetItem();
item->setText(0, element.tagName());

if (element.tagName()== "TEXTAREA")
element.evaluateJavaScript("this.value = \"some new value for text area\"");

examineChildElements(element, item);

element = element.nextSibling();

It does compile, and I am able to enter to the IF condition, but no change.
As you probably reconginze this is a snippet from the Qt demos: domtraversal. And I am running this while opening www.google.com

My code is not exactly what you suggested, as you where using:

textarea.evaluateJavaScript("this.value = \"some new value for text area\"");

But I don't see how I can create a "textarea"....

Any comments will be apprecaited?

30th August 2010, 23:01
Did you try the approach with adding a child node to the textarea tag?

31st August 2010, 12:19
Hi Master,

addChild is not available for "element" so I assume using one of the append options was what you suggested.

This is what I got using appendInside:

if (element.tagName()== "TEXTAREA")
QWebElement textArea;
textArea.evaluateJavaScript("this.value = \"some new value for text area\"");

But my textbox does not work.... I guess I do not understand how to create a child, but not sure then what to use.


31st August 2010, 13:35
You were supposed to add the text you want the textarea to contain as a child element to the textarea element.

2nd September 2010, 20:16
Hi Master of Zen,

If I understand correctly what you are saying, is the I should:

void Window::examineChildElements(const QWebElement &parentElement,
QTreeWidgetItem *parentItem)
QWebElement element = parentElement.firstChild();
while (!element.isNull()) {

QTreeWidgetItem *item = new QTreeWidgetItem();
item->setText(0, element.tagName());

if (element.tagName()== "TEXTAREA")
QWebElement textArea;

//textArea.evaluateJavaScript("this.value = \"some new value for text area\"");

examineChildElements(element, item);

element = element.nextSibling();

However, that generates me the following error:

'class QWebElement' has no member namded 'addChild'

Sorry for so many questions. I guess the real issue is that I am not familiar with DOM.

Is there any place you recommend me exploring?

Thanks in advance.


2nd September 2010, 20:28
It is worth having a look at QWebElement documentation to see what methods it has.

4th September 2010, 21:39
Hi Master,

Thanks. My problem relies on the QWebElement documentation. There is no info about creating a child.

- CgS

4th September 2010, 23:44
Really? In the documentation I clearly see lines such as "Appends the given element as the element's last child".

7th September 2010, 22:07
in retrospective I now understand why Zen Master... you certantly need lots of patience to deal guys like me. I really appreciate the support...

I guess I am getting close, my code now looks like:

void Window::examineChildElements(const QWebElement &parentElement,
QTreeWidgetItem *parentItem)
QWebElement element = parentElement.firstChild();
while (!element.isNull()) {

QTreeWidgetItem *item = new QTreeWidgetItem();
item->setText(0, element.tagName());

if (element.tagName()== "TEXTAREA")
QWebElement textArea;


textArea.evaluateJavaScript("this.value = \"some new value for text area\"");

examineChildElements(element, item);

element = element.nextSibling();

I does complie, but no text is added to the search box....

Help is always welcome...


7th September 2010, 22:23
Let's get one thing straight - you need to append the text you want displayed in the text area to the 'textarea' tag, so that this:
becomes this:
This is the text I want to appear in the text box.

So obviously if you are appending something, this 'something' has to contain the text you want in the text box. And forget about evaluateJavaScript - if it didn't work, then don't put it there.