View Full Version : 4.6.3 configure with or without Webkit gives Webkit like error

2nd September 2010, 03:15
I first ran configure with the "-webkit" flag, but got install errors (similar to the below, maybe the exact same.)

After doing a successful "nmake confclean", I fixed my .cache file to now contain "-no-webkit" instead of "-webkit".

I successfully ran "configure -loadconfig myConfigureFile.cache" and after doing nmake I get warnings like the following ...

C:\Qt\2010.04\qt\src\3rdparty\webkit\WebCore\acces sibility\AXObjectCache.h(139)
: warning C4100: 'postToElement' : unreferenced formal parameter

and followed by a termination while compiling/linking with the following ...

cl -c -FIWebKit_pch.h -YuWebKit_pch.h -Fpobj\debug\QtWebKitd_pch.pch -no
logo -Zm200 -Zc:wchar_t- -wd4291 -wd4344 -wd4396 -wd4503 -wd4800 -wd4819 -wd4996
B -DQT_NETWORK_LIB -DQT_CORE_LIB -I"..\..\..\..\include\QtCore" -I"..\..\..\..\i
nclude\QtNetwork" -I"..\..\..\..\include\QtGui" -I"..\..\..\..\include\QtXmlPatt
erns" -I"..\..\..\..\include" -I"bridge\qt" -I"page\qt" -I"platform\graphics\qt"
-I"platform\network\qt" -I"platform\qt" -I"..\WebKit\qt\WebCoreSupport" -I"." -
I"accessibility" -I"bindings\js" -I"bridge" -I"bridge\c" -I"css" -I"dom" -I"dom\
default" -I"editing" -I"history" -I"html" -I"html\canvas" -I"inspector" -I"loade
r" -I"loader\appcache" -I"loader\archive" -I"loader\icon" -I"notifications" -I"p
age" -I"page\animation" -I"platform" -I"platform\animation" -I"platform\graphics
" -I"platform\graphics\filters" -I"platform\graphics\transforms" -I"platform\ima
ge-decoders" -I"platform\mock" -I"platform\network" -I"platform\sql" -I"platform
\text" -I"plugins" -I"rendering" -I"rendering\style" -I"storage" -I"svg" -I"svg\
animation" -I"svg\graphics" -I"svg\graphics\filters" -I"websockets" -I"wml" -I"w
orkers" -I"xml" -I"generated" -I"..\JavaScriptCore" -I"..\..\webkit" -I"..\JavaS
criptCore\assembler" -I"..\JavaScriptCore\bytecode" -I"..\JavaScriptCore\bytecom
piler" -I"..\JavaScriptCore\debugger" -I"..\JavaScriptCore\interpreter" -I"..\Ja
vaScriptCore\jit" -I"..\JavaScriptCore\parser" -I"..\JavaScriptCore\profiler" -I
"..\JavaScriptCore\runtime" -I"..\JavaScriptCore\wrec" -I"..\JavaScriptCore\wtf"
-I"..\JavaScriptCore\wtf\symbian" -I"..\JavaScriptCore\wtf\unicode" -I"..\JavaS
criptCore\yarr" -I"..\JavaScriptCore\API" -I"..\JavaScriptCore\ForwardingHeaders
" -I"generated" -I"..\JavaScriptCore\os-win32" -I"..\WebKit\qt\Api" -I"..\..\..\
..\include\QtWebKit" -I"tmp\rcc\debug_shared" -I"tmp" -I"..\JavaScriptCore\pcre"
-I"c:\Qt\2010.04\qt\src\3rdparty\webkit\WebKitBuild\D ebug\JavaScriptCore\tmp" -
I"plugins\win" -I"platform\win" -I"..\..\sqlite" -I"..\..\..\..\include\phonon"
-I"..\..\..\..\include\ActiveQt" -I"tmp\moc\debug_shared" -I"..\..\..\..\mkspecs
\win32-msvc2008" -Foobj\debug\ @C:\DOCUME~1\JETimms\LOCALS~1\Temp\nm550F.tmp
Generating Code...
link /LIBPATH:"c:\Qt\2010.04\qt\lib" /LIBPATH:"c:\Qt\2010.04\qt\lib" /NO
LOGO /DEBUG /DLL /MANIFEST /MANIFESTFILE:"obj/debug\QtWebKitd.intermediate.manif
est" /VERSION:4.63 /OUT:..\..\..\..\lib\QtWebKitd4.dll @C:\DOCUME~1\JETimms\LOCA
Creating library ..\..\..\..\lib\QtWebKitd4.lib and object ..\..\..\..\lib\Qt
QNetworkReplyHandler.obj : error LNK2001: unresolved external symbol "public: vi
rtual struct QMetaObject const * __thiscall WebCore::FormDataIODevice::metaObjec
t(void)const " (?metaObject@FormDataIODevice@WebCore@@UBEPBUQMeta Object@@XZ)
QNetworkReplyHandler.obj : error LNK2001: unresolved external symbol "public: vi
rtual void * __thiscall WebCore::FormDataIODevice::qt_metacast(char const *)" (?
QNetworkReplyHandler.obj : error LNK2001: unresolved external symbol "public: vi
rtual int __thiscall WebCore::FormDataIODevice::qt_metacall(enum QMetaObject::Ca
ll,int,void * *)" (?qt_metacall@FormDataIODevice@WebCore@@UAEHW4Call @QMetaObject


FrameLoaderClientQt.obj : error LNK2019: unresolved external symbol "protected:
void __thiscall QWebPage::downloadRequested(class QNetworkRequest const &)" (?do
wnloadRequested@QWebPage@@IAEXABVQNetworkRequest@@ @Z) referenced in function "pu
blic: virtual void __thiscall WebCore::FrameLoaderClientQt::startDownload(struct
WebCore::ResourceRequest const &)" (?startDownload@FrameLoaderClientQt@WebCore@
..\..\..\..\lib\QtWebKitd4.dll : fatal error LNK1120: 9 unresolved externals
NMAKE : fatal error U1077: '"C:\Program Files (x86)\Microsoft Visual Studio 9.0\
VC\BIN\link.EXE"' : return code '0x460'
NMAKE : fatal error U1077: '"C:\Program Files (x86)\Microsoft Visual Studio 9.0\
VC\BIN\nmake.exe"' : return code '0x2'
NMAKE : fatal error U1077: 'cd' : return code '0x2'

(BTW: the above is the last compile/link portion before erroring out.)

I see that some kind of Webkit thing is being built. I've heard that Qt Webkit port is hard to build so some people don't load it. I did not when I had the 4.5.2 install last year.

Why is it trying to build WebKit when I tell it not to?

Could it be that there's something that I have configured to install that requires Webkit?

I could just not mention it in the configure.cache file and see if that works.

I am building this for msvc-2008 on a XP x64 Pro box, if that makes a difference.


2nd September 2010, 03:44
Did you run "make distclean" prior to rebuilding Qt?

2nd September 2010, 12:39
I haven't tried "nmake distclean".

I will give that a shot later tonight and post the results.

I am assuming that it needs to be ran after "nmake confclean" but prior to "configure ..."

Is that correct?


2nd September 2010, 12:48
It's irrelevant whether you run it after or before it. It will clean all generated files and leave you with a pristine source tree (with exception to config.status and such).

23rd September 2010, 15:20
I humbly offer a belated thanks for your assistance.

I was never able to get 2010.04 to nmake successfully, although there were a few rabbit holes to delve to get me there. I did try "nmake distclean" several times to no avail.

I did however get the 4.6.3 libraries to configure and nmake. (The make took about 6 hours.)

I discovered that the libraries come with a lot of tools, qmake being the one I wanted most. I was led to believe from the Qt site that qmake is one of the tools that comes with the SDK only from http://qt.nokia.com/products/developer-tools, a link describing QtCreators cross-compile features. I was pleasantly surprised that this was not the case.

Anyhow, I was able to build with Qt's Webkit in this case. The following is my configuration setup in case anyone wishes to see it (I am running on a XP Pro x64 box targeting windows and using the win32-msvc2008 compiler):

-debug-and-release -opensource -shared -no-fast -exceptions -accessibility -stl -no-sql-db2 -no-sql-mysql -no-sql-oci -qt-sql-odbc -no-sql-psql -qt-sql-sqlite -no-sql-tds -no-openvg -platform win32-msvc2008 -graphicssystem raster -qt-zlib -qt-gif -qt-libpng -qt-libmng -qt-libtiff -qt-libjpeg -dsp -vcproj -no-incredibuild-xge -plugin-manifests -qmake -process -rtti -phonon-backend -multimedia -webkit -arch windows -qt-style-windows -qt-style-windowsxp -qt-style-windowsvista -qt-style-plastique -qt-style-cleanlooks -qt-style-motif -qt-style-cde -native-gestures

Note that many of these settings are defaults. I like a descriptive configuration file that tells what the setup is (although I keep a copy of the "configuration -help" of each version too).

Thanks again. Next stop, installing and making 4.7 libs this weekend.