View Full Version : .csv format cell width

3rd September 2010, 20:36
Hello everybody, I made a program that generates a .csv, but once I open it with excel the width of the cells are default.. is there any way to get around this so everytime i open the file the cells are the size they suppose to be depending on the lenght of the text in each cell? I ve tried renaming the file to .xls but it does not work... is there any way to do this??

3rd September 2010, 23:06
With .csv file format, NO. CSV is plain text (comas separates columns new line rows), as You already know, and it is up to application (in this case excel) to handle the way that data are displayed.
You could use XML to achieve what You want, see: http://technet.microsoft.com/en-us/magazine/2006.01.blogtales.aspx