View Full Version : uic3 generates #include's for non-existing headers

3rd September 2010, 20:42

I've installed qt 4.6.3 configured with "-prefix /usr -docdir /usr/share/doc/qt -plugindir /usr/lib/qt/plugins -opensource -no-phonon -nomake demos -nomake examples -plugin-sql-mysql -system-sqlite" and tried to build KDE 4.4.5. I failed to compile kdenetwork and kdewebdev: the problem seems to be that uic3 generates code like this:

#include <Qt3Support/Q3Header>
#include <Qt3Support/Q3MimeSourceFactory>
#include <QtCore/QVariant>
#include <QtGui/QAction>
// Other <QtGui/*> #include's
#include <qtable.h> // In kdenetwork
#include <qwidgetstack.h> // In kdewebdev

As you can guess, the last two files do not exist and I wonder why uic3 does not instead generate #include's for <Qt3Support/Q3Table> and <Qt3Support/Q3WidgetStack>, both of which exist. Does anyone have an idea?

Angel Tsankov

P.S. The corresponding ui files (kdenetwork-4.4.5/filesharing/advanced/kcm_sambaconf/usertab.ui and kdewebdev-4.4.5/kfilereplace/kfilereplaceviewwdg.ui) are too old to be compiled with uic -- they've been created with Qt Designer 3.

4th September 2010, 13:15
This problem appears when I configure Qt with

./configure -prefix /usr -docdir /usr/share/doc/qt\
-plugindir /usr/lib/qt/plugins\
-translationdir /usr/share/qt/translations -opensource\
-no-phonon -nomake demos -nomake examples\
-plugin-sql-mysql -system-sqlite

and does not appear when I configure it with

./configure -prefix /opt/qt -bindir /usr/bin -libdir /usr/lib\
-plugindir /usr/lib/qt/plugins -sysconfdir /etc/qt\
-headerdir /usr/include -docdir /usr/share/doc/qt\
-opensource -no-phonon -nomake demos -nomake examples\
-plugin-sql-mysql -system-sqlite

I was able to trace the problem to libQtCore.so but did not investigate any further.

Angel Tsankov