View Full Version : How to Install qt in windows?

3rd September 2010, 21:43
i want to learn qt, so could anyone tell me what all packages should i download to install in windows system(i am using windows XP).Is installing qt is similar to normal windows application installation.What are all the prerequisite for installing in windows.

3rd September 2010, 21:45
Download the latest Qt SDK.
Install (just like any other windows app)

That's it

Note that you need to know C++ before you can enjoy Qt

6th September 2010, 06:03
I would also install qtcreator and the mingw that comes with it. then start looking at the examples. Mingw is the C cmpiler you need, Qt is the library to make the application and qtcreator the programming environment

6th September 2010, 07:54
If you install the current SDK for Windows, all the above are installed for you automatically.

BTW, MinGW is NOT a compiler. GCC is the compiler. MinGW is the GNU environment which GCC is written for. You can also get GCC without MinGW if you compile it yourself.