View Full Version : problem in communication between ppc and normal pc using udpsocket

4th September 2010, 07:17
I am runnning an application on a ppc target and tat has to communicate with another application on a normal pc(intel board) using udp socket. The sender on ppc side is broadcasting the data but the receiver is not receiving any message. kindly suggest anything

4th September 2010, 08:50
Here's a suggestion: Explain how this has anything to do with Qt, what you are actually doing, and why you think the message is being sent but not received. At the moment it could be anything from a network air gap through to good old-fashioned carbon-based failure.

4th September 2010, 10:25
I am printing the numbers of bytes written by qudpsocket.

And I have also done another experiment in which both sender and receiver and running on the ppc board. That time communication is working..

Problem comes when communication happing with PPC and normal PC.

4th September 2010, 22:48
I assume the sending application is a Qt application on the Power PC board.
The Power PC machine can talk to itself over a loop back interface, which shows that an IP stack is functioning.
You assume the bytes are making it to the wire because the QUdpSocket says they were sent (you do know that UDP is unreliable).

Have you any evidence that there are bytes reaching the wire? Wireshark or similar dumps? Do these dumps make sense, have the correct addresses etc.?
Is the receiver a Qt program too?
Could there be byte-order issues causing your receiver to ignore message sit is actually receiving?