View Full Version : Phonon enqueue items missing video

8th September 2010, 09:03
Short version:

Open qt\demos\qmediaplayer\qmediaplayer.pro
Build and run
Select "Open File..." and select multiple video files (adds files to queue)
Watch as some en-queued files play back without video (yet they play back opened in isolation)

I logged http://bugreports.qt.nokia.com/browse/QTBUG-13489 for this.

Long version:

I'm trying to implement Phonon::MediaObject's enqueue and it's mostly working, except some queued videos don't play back video. i.e.

m_mediaobject->setCurrentSource(Phonon::MediaSource("C:/testA.mpg")); <- plays fine
m_mediaobject->enqueue(Phonon::MediaSource("C:/testA.mpg")); <- repeat, plays but without video

Changing videos...

m_mediaobject->setCurrentSource(Phonon::MediaSource("C:/testA.mpg")); <- plays fine
m_mediaobject->enqueue(Phonon::MediaSource("C:/testB.mpg")); <- new video, plays fine

It seems to be something to do with the Video format? Although, both A and B above are mpeg-1/2 (according to VLC).

Also, when I reload the file...

void PreviewWidget::reloadFile()

The video will play normally, but if I have called enqueue previously I get no video!

As long as don't enqueue, video A and others like it play fine when loaded. But if I try to enqueue, half of my video's won't playback (audio still does) and they don't playback even if I stop enqueue'ing them and just reload. The other half enqueue fine.

Would appreciate some help :) Thanks.