View Full Version : Help with Binary reader in qt ???

14th September 2010, 02:24

I need help with reading binary files in Qt.
Following is something in dotnet and I need to implement similar stuff using Qt

position = 0;
byte[] buffer = new byte[sizeof(Int64)];
BinaryReader br = new BinaryReader(pStream);
br.Read(buffer, 0, recordSize);
position = BitConverter.ToInt64(buffer, 0);
return true;


I would really appreciate if you could please guide me to what is it that can be used in Qt to implement it ?


14th September 2010, 05:39

Something like this maybe?

QFile file(...);
QDataStream in(&file);
while (!in.atEnd()) {
qint64 a;
in >> a;
// Do something with a

14th September 2010, 16:38
I think it is more like this:

QFile pStream(...);
QByteArray buffer = pStream.read(sizeof(qint64));
qint64 val;
memcpy(&val, buffer.constData(), sizeOf(qint64));
Just note this is extremly unportable (which is not the case for the solution suggested by my preposter).

15th September 2010, 19:35
Thanks guyz this helped me alot

18th September 2010, 02:18

I have a text file ... and I stored some value like "123" in it.
I am now trying to read the 3 bytes out of this text file as follows:

QFile fileIn("Test.txt);
QByteArray buffer = fileIn.read(3);
qint32 val;
qDebug() << "VAL:" << val;
qDebug() << "FileSize:" << fileIn->size();
But I am not getting the outpt as 123 ... It gives some garbage value

FileSize: 3
VAL: 3355185

Could you please help ... what is it that I am doing wrong here ???


18th September 2010, 06:29
The value 3355185 is not garbage, that is the correct number!

This is what happens:
You have a byte array containing the bytes (in decimal numbers): 49, 50, 51
The byte 49 represents the number 1, etc...

The same bytes in bits are:

Number | Byte | Bits
1 | 49 | 00110001
2 | 50 | 00110010
3 | 51 | 00110011

When you do the memory copy to an int, it will copy the 3 8-bit series into your 32 bit number, resulting in the number:

Which is the number:

Do not make it yourself too difficult and use a QTextStream instead of a memory copy.

QTextStream stream(&inFile);

qint32 number = 0;

stream >> number;

qDebug() << "number:" << number;

20th September 2010, 03:02
Can I use QTextStream in a scenario where I have to read a specific number of bytes from the given data.
In my example above I mentioned a text file ... How can I implement if I have to lets say read first two bytes out of a binary file ???
Considering the same example above if I were to read only "1" and store it as an int ... How could I do that ???


20th September 2010, 05:34
Consider the following file:

This is a text containing the number 1 2 and 1234

You can use something like this:

QTextStream stream(&inFile);

QString text = QString("");
qint32 number = 0;
char *bigNumber = "";

stream >> text; // text contains the word "This"
stream >> text; // text contains the word "is"
stream >> text; // text contains the word "a"
stream >> text; // text contains the word "text"
stream >> text; // text contains the word "containing"
stream >> text; // text contains the word "the"
stream >> text; // text contains the word "number"
stream >> number; // number = 1
stream >> text; // text contains the word "2"
stream >> text; // text contains the word "and"
stream >> bigNumber; // bigNumber = "1234", bigNumber[0] = "1", etc...
When using bigNumber and a text stream, make sure you double check the sizes!!!