View Full Version : Multicolored Tabs in QMdiArea?

17th September 2010, 10:25

My MDI-App with QMdiArea is designed in TabbedView. I need to have each tab-label in a different tab-label-background color (First blue, secound red...)
It should looks like: Sample Screenshot (http://www.fileguru.com/images/b/office_mdi_tabs_development_tools_visual_basic-8372.gif)

How can i do that?
I hope anybody can kick me in the right direction.

Thanks in advance..

17th September 2010, 11:39
i would suggest u to use a stackedwidget and then create your custom widget of different color buttons.

17th September 2010, 14:04
i would suggest u to use a stackedwidget and then create your custom widget of different color buttons.

Nice suggestion, thanks.
I hoped, that I have overlooked something in QMdiArea. The app is finished, only the tab-colors are missing.
guess i play a little bit with stackedwidget...