View Full Version : [SAX] program loop while reading XML file

19th September 2010, 10:29

I'm trying to parse XML file with SAX, but my program started looping. Here is my function:

void JTemplate::readStyles(QXmlStreamReader &xml, QString parentId, QString id, JList<JCss> &css)
if (xml.name() == parentId)
qDebug()<<"Parsuje: "<<parentId;

while (!(xml.name() == parentId && xml.tokenType() == QXmlStreamReader::EndElement))

JCss _result;
qDebug()<<"Nazwa stylu Css to: "<<_result.getName();

while (!(xml.name() == id && xml.tokenType() == QXmlStreamReader::EndElement))
qDebug()<<"Styl: " << xml.name().toString();
_result.setStyle(toCssStyle(xml.name().toString()) , xml.readElementText());



This function was written to parese parts of XML file like:

<link name="bink1_visited">
When I use this function for example

readStyles(_xml, "visited", "link", CssAnchorVisited);
the loop

while (!(xml.name() == id && xml.tokenType() == QXmlStreamReader::EndElement))
is working indefinitely. Why? What do I do wrong?

And the second thing, I cannot read arguments (in my code "name") in line:


ps. Sory for my English :-) I'm still learning

20th September 2010, 08:13
As for the while statement, you have two readNext in the loop - perhaps you skip the end tag that you are looking for.

20th September 2010, 08:24
the loop

while (!(xml.name() == id && xml.tokenType() == QXmlStreamReader::EndElement))
is working indefinitely. Why? What do I do wrong?
What is this while() loop supposed to do?

And the second thing, I cannot read arguments (in my code "name") in line:

Attributes are reported in StartElement and not EndElement.

I'm not sure what you want to achieve but I think you are overcomplicating things, try this:

JList<JCss> JTemplate::readStyles(QXmlStreamReader &xml, QString parentId, QString id )
JList<JCss> css;
Q_ASSERT(xml.name() == parentId);
while(xml.readNextStartElement() {
if(xml.name() == parentId) {
if(xml.name() == id){
JCss _result;
qDebug() << "Styl:" << xml.name();
_result.setStyle(...); // I don't think readElementText() will work here without using a CDATA section
} else xml.skipCurrentElement(); // skip unknown tags
xml.skipCurrentElement(); // read until end of parentId tag
} else xml.skipCurrentElement(); // skip unknown tags
return css;