View Full Version : QGraphicsEllipseItem: ItemSendsScenePositionChanges move event?

24th September 2010, 15:45

i have a 4 vertices:

Vertex::Vertex(int x, int y) : QGraphicsEllipseItem(x-1,y-1,x+1,y+1)
QPen currentPen = pen();
setAcceptsHoverEvents( true );
setFlag( QGraphicsItem::ItemIsMovable, true );
setFlag( QGraphicsItem::ItemSendsScenePositionChanges, true );

that describe a polygon (QGraphicsPathItem)
they are added to a QGraphicsScene in a QGraphicsView.

So far, everything's fine; i can move the the vertices around, hover effects and so on are working fine.

But now, i want to adjust the polygon if a user changes a vertex.
Is there any event the QGraphicsEllipseItem emits when moved?
Or does the QGraphicsScene have an event to tell me it's content hast changed?

i am looking for something like:

connect(m_scene, SIGNAL(changed()),
this, SLOT(updatePolygon()));


Vertex* vertex = new Vertex(event->x(), event->y());
connect(vertex, SIGNAL(ItemPositionHasChanged()),
this, SLOT(updatePolygon()));

but both didn't work

24th September 2010, 16:08
See QGraphicsItem::itemChange() with QGraphicsItem::ItemPositionChange. If you need signals to inform your scene or whatever inherit QObject. Also not the difference between [QTCLASS] and [CODE].

24th September 2010, 16:44
See QGraphicsItem::itemChange() with QGraphicsItem::ItemPositionChange. If you need signals to inform your scene or whatever inherit QObject. Also not the difference between [QTCLASS] and [CODE].

QVariant Vertex::itemChange(GraphicsItemChange change, const QVariant &value)
cout << "test" << std::endl;
return QGraphicsItem::itemChange(change, value);

itemChange is only called when the vertex is created, not when i move it

24th September 2010, 16:48
Yeah, sometimes you have to read the documentation ;)
This notification is send if the ItemSendsGeometryChanges flag is enabled

27th September 2010, 11:28
Yeah, sometimes you have to read the documentation ;)

i did that, but i switched

setFlag( QGraphicsItem::ItemSendsScenePositionChanges, true );


setFlag( QGraphicsItem::ItemSendsGeometryChanges, true );

now it's working. thanks