View Full Version : QFtp : Uploading a directory

30th August 2006, 12:37
Hi all,

Here is my problem:

Purpose:- Upload a directory from local host to remote machine (remote ftp server)

Qt Class in use:- QFtp Class


Source code given below, works fine if I put QmessageBox after line:
Otherwise I get the error-

Changing directory failed:
Failed to change directory.

Source Code:-

uploadDirectory(QDir dir){

QString absPath=dir.absPath();

QString directoryName=absPath.section('/',-1);
const QFileInfoList *localFileInfoList = dir.entryInfoList();

QFileInfoListIterator fileIterator(*localFileInfoList );
int count=localFileInfoList->count();

QFileInfo* file;
int mkdirFlag =1;

for(int temp=0;temp<count;temp++) {


ftp->rawCommand( "PWD" );
QString ftpString=ftpDir+QString("/")+directoryName;


if(file->isDir() && file->fileName()!="." && file->fileName()!=".."){





ftp:-denotes the remote ftp(Class QFtp)
currentDir:-denotes the current local directory(QDir)
ftpDir:-denotes current remote file path (QString)

Note: - we get this value by sending PWD command( ftp->rawCommand( "PWD") ) in the command reply function we set this value in ftpDir
directoryName:- if dir is “home/username/folder1” then directoryName gives folder1
uploadFile() function uploads the given file


It takes time to complete the function like get, put, mkdir, cd etc. and these functions are nonblocking. Program doesn’t block here. Just take an example if I call ‘mkdir’ (ftp->mkdir()) then program doesn’t wait for completion of this function. It goes to next line and performs (ftp->cd()) and I get the error.

How should I resolve this problem?

Thanks :)

30th August 2006, 12:46
I think you should download the book c++ GUI Programming with Qt3 (http://dot.kde.org/1098950311/).

There a chapter called "Networking" which talks brilliantly about what you require.

31st August 2006, 12:06
Hi all,

Here is my problem:

Purpose:- Upload a directory from local host to remote machine (remote ftp server)
How should I resolve this problem?

Thanks :)

Here is a snip from QT4 + libcurl easy on all OS....
Is possibel to mkdir realy "mkd" if remote dir not exist!

/* header #include <curl/curl.h> */
bool Qjobs::UploadFileServer( QString ftpfile , QString remotefile )
/* header #include <curl/curl.h> */
/* ftp upload to server file binary */
curl_global_init( CURL_GLOBAL_ALL ) ;
CURL *curl_handle = curl_easy_init() ;

if( NULL == curl_handle ){
return false;
QFileInfo QuoInfo(ftpfile);
long fzize = QuoInfo.size(); /* file size */
/* ftpfile = c:\image.jpg / remotefile = ftp://username:pass@host.com:21/path/image.jpg /path/ related to ftp login */
/* url = ftp:{login}:{password}@{host}:21{dated dir}{data remotefile} */
QByteArray lop = ftpfile.toAscii();
QByteArray ba = remotefile.toAscii();
char *localfile = lop.data();
FILE *putfile;
putfile = fopen(localfile, "rb"); /* binary image! */
char *url = ba.data();
qDebug() << "### localfile " << localfile;
qDebug() << "### Puturl " << url;
/* handy for debugging: see *everything* that goes on */
/* curl_easy_setopt( curl_handle , CURLOPT_VERBOSE, 1 ) ; */ /* open to debug to sea actions */
// target url:
curl_easy_setopt( curl_handle , CURLOPT_URL, url ) ;
// no progress bar:
curl_easy_setopt(curl_handle,CURLOPT_NOPROGRESS , 1 ) ;
// use passive FTP, if it's available
curl_easy_setopt(curl_handle,CURLOPT_FTP_USE_EPSV , 1 ) ;
curl_easy_setopt(curl_handle,CURLOPT_TIMEOUT , 15 ); /* put on server config qwidget */
curl_easy_setopt(curl_handle,CURLOPT_UPLOAD , 1 );
curl_easy_setopt(curl_handle,CURLOPT_INFILE , putfile );
curl_easy_setopt(curl_handle,CURLOPT_INFILESIZE , fzize );
/* make action */
if (curl_easy_perform(curl_handle)==CURLE_OK) {
curl_easy_cleanup( curl_handle );
return true;
} else {
return false;

// yes, it's "mkd" and not "mkdir" (many clients translate it for you)
// see RFC 959 for details:
// http://www.ietf.org/rfc/rfc959.txt
// NOTE: creating/changing to the dir isn't necessary here; it's done as
// part of the example of using CURLOPT_QUOTE. You could simply have

commandBuf << "mkd " << remotePath << std::flush ;
const std::string mkdirCommand = commandBuf.str() ;
commands = curl_slist_append( commands , mkdirCommand.c_str() ) ;

// NOTE: cURL will try to change dirs (based on the URL)
// from the present directory (by default, your home dir
// on the remote system).

// To upload data to an absolute path on the remote host,
// you must change to the root dir first.
commands = curl_slist_append( commands , "cwd /" ) ;
// from here, cURL will "cwd tmp" and "cwd {timestamp dir}"