View Full Version : How make project ready to use in any computer?

30th September 2010, 22:14

Hi everybody

In the Attachments you can see my small project:)
It calculates the difference between two dates, and the result will be years, months, and days.

I put it here to sharing the ideas together.

Now, I just need to know what i can do to make this project as a program ready to using in any computer!

I am not sure if this proper place to put my question.

thanks anyway.:)


30th September 2010, 22:26
Have a look at the documentation on how to deploy an application. And once you have opened the documentation you might also want have a look at QDate, QDateEdit etc.

1st October 2010, 18:40
thanks a lot Lykurg :)

I found simple way to run my project in any computer without qt program.


from tool bar
Build>set Build Configuration>Release.

Build all


last step:
go to project folder and enter to folder called (Release) then, take execution file(.exe)
and put it in new folder

then, go to qt folder and take these files called: (mingwm10.dll, QtCore4.dll, QtGui4.dll, libgcc_s_dw2-1.dll) and put it in the previous new folder.

Now, you can take the new folder to any computer doesn't have qt program and run your project.



1st October 2010, 20:09
See also the HM NSIS (http://hmne.sourceforge.net/) project.

16th November 2010, 21:38
Are there any other, more elegant ways to make .exe -files working in every computer than copying these .dll -files? I tried to add -static flag to qmake.conf , and also tried to remove all -mthreads -flags in the file, but it didn't help. Has anyone managed to do this?

16th November 2010, 21:46

Just search this forum or the internet on"static linking" or "building a static version of Qt". But beware... it takes a lot of time and trial-and-error to build a fully static version of qt that is not dependent on any MingW or Visual Studio DLL. If you're new to Qt, I'd just stick to copying the DLL's for now.

B.t.w. your steps are sort of what is mentioned in the Qt documentation on deployment : Qt deployment on Windows (http://doc.qt.nokia.com/4.7/deployment-windows.html).
