View Full Version : How to get a QTableWidgetItem to accept drops instead the whole QTableWidget?

6th October 2010, 06:35

I 'm fighting a little bit with a QTableWidget. There are three columns in it and I like to have only the QTableWidgetItems in one column editable and to accept drops.

First I have created the tableWidget using the designer and there I have dragDropMode=No DragDrop for the QTableWidget itself. Then I've created my items like this:

for ( int i = 0; i < query.size(); ++i )
tableWidget->insertRow( i );

QTableWidgetItem *newItemField = new QTableWidgetItem( query.value( 0 ).toString() );
tableWidget->setItem( i, 0, newItemField );

QTableWidgetItem *newItemTyp = new QTableWidgetItem( query.value( 1 ).toString() );
tableWidget->setItem( i, 1, newItemTyp );

QTableWidgetItem *newItemValue = new QTableWidgetItem( "" );
tableWidget->setItem( i, 2, newItemValue );
newItemValue->setFlags ( Qt::ItemIsEnabled | Qt::ItemIsEditable | Qt::ItemIsDropEnabled );

qDebug() << newItemValue->flags();


qDebug() << newItemValue->flags() shows me 42. If I am right, 42 means, the item is enabled, is editable and will accept drops.

The problem is, it's enabled (at least it's not grey) but it's not editable and it don't accept drops.

Where I have done the mistake in thinking?

