View Full Version : Buttons on item in QTreeView?

8th October 2010, 22:44
I'm trying to to put buttons on items in a QTreeView. I don't mean using buttons as an editor when clicked, but just have the button always there on some items to perform a quick action on the item.

For example, something like the little "Eject" button that appears next to removable devices in the left-hand library tree in iTunes.

I could make a delegate for the item and draw the button myself, but then I'd have to handle all the button press and hovers and everything.

Any ideas?


9th October 2010, 01:27
Ok, well I figured it out eventually.

Looks like there's at least three ways to do it, this thread (http://www.qtcentre.org/threads/26916-inserting-custom-Widget-to-listview) suggests how to do it with delegates, and would work great if you had 1000s of items.

But I'm only going to have a few hundred items at most, and so I really wanted to avoid that much complexity. It turns out there's a
QAbstractItemView->setIndexWidget() that will work, and I can just make a custom widget that has my label and my buttons.

There's also QTreeWidget->setItemWidget() but I'm using QTreeView so I'm going with that.