View Full Version : QMake Inconsist makefile content for alternative makefile filename

Huah Tu
12th October 2010, 04:14
In my current project, I plan to have different makefile filenames for Windows and Mac system. So, one of my choice is to use

Makefile.win32 as Windows makefile filename

Makefile.mac as Mac makefile finename
In my root .pro file, I set


QMAKE_MAKEFILE = Makefile.win32
By this method, I can


mingw32-make -f Makefile.win32
to build all debug tree without problems.

However, it doesn't work for

mingw32-make debug -f Makefile.win32

mingw32-make release -f Makefile.win32

After I checked the content of the generated Makefile.win32, The command for default target is correct, but the commands for debug or release (and check) target lost the -f $(MAKEFILE) option

sub-averPen: averPen\$(MAKEFILE) FORCE

cd averPen\ && $(MAKE) -f $(MAKEFILE)
sub-averPen-sub_Debug: averPen\$(MAKEFILE)

cd averPen\ && $(MAKE) debug
That's why I cannot use debug or release target to build my system.

Is there any method to modify some mkspecs\XXX\YYY.prf to patch it?