View Full Version : Where are .dlls searched for?

15th October 2010, 14:15
Hi There,

I frequently use an external library, which I usually compile to a static library and then link it with my project. I do this on both, Linux and Windows. For some reason on Windows it also needs a dynamic linked library (.dll), which so far I always have to copy manually to the directory, where the executable is. I would much rather somehow specify an additional location, where .dlls are searched for, so that I can leave it one designated place. Is there a way I can do this? Something in the .pro file?


15th October 2010, 14:28
On Windows dlls are searched in places added to Path environment variable, so you need to add a path to your dll to Path or copy your dll to some directory from Path.

15th October 2010, 14:40
Alright that makes it very clear. Not quite what I was looking for, but I can see that there is no way around copying or PATH hacking. Thanks mate!