View Full Version : How to install and use QWT to draw 2-d graphs?

18th October 2010, 14:26
Hi qtcenter friends
I want to draw 2-d graphs more specifically log scale graphs,linear graphs .

I did'nt understand http://qwt.sourceforge.net/qwtinstall.html
how to install and start using in qt.I am using qt creator 2.0.1 and qt 4.7 in windows xp os.

Could any one tell me step by step procedure to install QWt and start coding with it , in qt creator.

1st November 2010, 16:15
I've got the same problem, but I'm surprised, that it's no answer here.. It must be easy for experienced users here

Added after 5 minutes:

Anyway, I'm going to write why I cannot solve this problem. I tried to follow instructions and I opened Qt command prompt, wrote qmake qwt.pro
It was right, without any problems, but when I had written instruction "make" it appeared error: make' is not recognized as an internal or external command, operable program or batch file.

I have installed MINGW. It still doesn't work.

1st November 2010, 20:36

This is what I did :

download qwt sources
open .pro file with QtCreator
build QWT. You have to leave 1 of the examples out because it doesn't link (don't remember which)

To see the wqt widgets in Qt Designer and easily integrate it in your projects :

copy the files of your_qwt_dir\designer\plugins\designer to your_qtcreator_Dir\bin\designer
in your_qt_dir\include make a directory 'qwt' and add all the include files to it
copy your_qwt_dir\qwt\qwt.lib to your_qt_dir\lib

Add the following to the .pro file of your project that uses qwt :
INCLUDEPATH += $(QTDIR)\include\qwt
LIBS += -lqwt