View Full Version : standard QT libraies

21st October 2010, 09:56
I am a QT novice!!
I am using the Eclipse integration and have a small application which I can run but not debug.
So I ran gdb on the application from the command line and received errors stating that QtCored4.dll and QtGuid4.dll could not be found.
Copying these files into the same folder as the appication solved the problem.

My question is do I need to copy these files for every application or is there a setting I can use to avoid this



21st October 2010, 11:50
No, you don't need to copu these libs to your apllication's directory. Frankly speaking, I don't know what precise setting you are lookig for in Eclipse, but you should try to look into debug options and specify the library directory, so that Eclipse knows where to look for these libs.

21st October 2010, 12:37
you can add path to C:\path\to\Qt_dir\bin to your Path environment variable