View Full Version : Qoci

21st October 2010, 20:28

For connecting to Oracle 10g i am using QOCI. But in my oracle database there are some tables which contains field types such as subclasses oracle object types (example: SDO_GEOMETRY), and i want to select this information. But it seems that QOCI driver can't select this types.

Is it possible to select domain types such as SDO_GEOMETRY using QOCI?


29th October 2010, 13:12
Does not anyone know answer?

Harald Klingel
15th December 2011, 09:56
Be sure to have the 'sqldrivers' subdirectory in your execution directory (e.g. 'bin') and a copy of the sql-plugin (f.e. qsqloci4.dll) you want to use in there. On startup, Qt looks for this folder and the plugin. It is not definable where the plugin is located.