View Full Version : Loading 3d model

22nd October 2010, 18:46
Hello All,
I am glad to have found a place to ask a few questions. I am new to QT and trying to learn a few things about it. i am trying to load a 3d model and found the qt tutorial on the QT site, but it is missing the following file #include "qglview.h". Is there anywhere that i can get this file, or does anyone know a good tutorial on loading 3d models. I am trying to build a tutorial for work and need to load 3ds models. Remember i am very new to qt.

Thank you in advance for your time.

22nd October 2010, 19:42
I believe you are after Qt3D - http://doc.qt.nokia.com/qt3d-snapshot/

22nd October 2010, 20:47
Sooooo- that doesn't help so much. Did I miss where that file qglview.h is located?

22nd October 2010, 20:53
You missed that QGLView is not part of the standard Qt installation. You need the Qt3D branch of Qt which you need to build youself from sources provided in Qt3D's repository. The instructions to do that are provided in the "Building" link in the document I gave you. So if it didn't help it was only because you didn't care to browse the document.

23rd October 2010, 04:07
I guess I am new to this and missed that part of should have "knowns".