View Full Version : Qt & External Threaded API

28th October 2010, 22:39
I am creating a Qt project, however one of the requires for this project is that I NOT use Qt Socket communication.
The API that I am asked to use for the Socket Communication is a thread safe API.

Although the project compiles, in the logs it shows "QObject::connect: Cannot queue arguments of type MyStructure

struct MyStructure

SubStructure a;

int b;

struct SubStructure

int c;

double d;
NOTE: = operators are defined for ALL structs

I've tried using Q_DECLARE_METATYPE, but I end up with the following compilation errors:

MyEnumerationType.h : errors expected constructor, destructor, or type conversion before namespace.

MyEnumeration is a attribute of a COMPLETELY different structure.

The API works as follows:
I create a message service, and add a list of structures to the service. For structures that I will be SENDING only, I need not do anything additional. However for structures I expect a response for, I MUST provide the service with a Callback class, which "handles" the message.

class GuiMessageCallback : public QObject,
public MessageCallback


MessageData( [Struct] msg& )


Q_EMIT messageReceived( msg )



void messageReceived( Struct]);

When the Callback message is "feed" into the external API, a pointer reference is kept and in QTableModel class, which I connect it to a SLOT which updates my model and therefore updates my views.

Mr. eyfout

Added after 34 minutes:

Problem fixed.
I first call qRegisterMetaType< MyType> ( "MyType") prior to performing the connection between the SIGNALS and SLOTS on different threads.

I removed the Q_DECLARE_METATYPE( ) references also.