View Full Version : QGraphicsView

1st November 2010, 12:43
I'm trying to use a QGraphicsView and I don't want to have an extensible QGraphicsScene , I want that all my widgets fit in the QGraphicsView without using scrollbars.

Thank you very much for helping!

1st November 2010, 13:05
And your question is?

1st November 2010, 13:16
How can I do this? now if I'm moving my widgets they get out of graphicsview because the graphicsscene is extensible. So I want that the graphicsscene to be fixed size

Added after 7 minutes:

now if I'm moving my widgets they get out of graphicsview because the graphicsscene is extensible. So I want that the graphicsscene to be fixed size and the user to not be able to move the widget outside the scene