View Full Version : Instruction on how to rebuild QtRuby to include Qwt bindings

3rd November 2010, 16:43
I've been trying to rebuild QtRuby to include the Qwt bindings (since the package that comes with OpenSUSE 11.3 doesn't include it). Does someone knows how to accomplish this?

I've been trying turning it on using the CMake arguments but CMake doesn't seems to notice:

vitorpy@myhost:~/qtruby/qt4-qtruby-2.1.0> cmake -DCMAKE_INSTALL_PREFIX=/opt/kde4 -DENABLE_SMOKE=on -DENABLE_QTRUBY=on -DENABLE_QWT_SMOKE=on -DENABLE_QWT_RUBY=on -DQwt5_INCLUDE_DIR=/usr/local/qwt-5.2.1/include -DQwt5_Qt4_LIBRARY=/usr/local/qwt-5.2.1/lib/libqwt.so

And CMake skips it anyway:

-- Build Ruby bindings: QtRuby;QtScript;QtTest;QtUiTools;QtWebKit
-- Skip Ruby bindings: Akonadi;KHTML;KIO;KTextEditor;Korundum;KrossRuby;N epomuk;Okular;Phonon;Plasma;QScintilla;Qwt;Solid;S oprano