View Full Version : File size of a remote file without downloading it

4th November 2010, 07:37
Hi all,

Is it possible to obtain the file size of a remote file (e.g. http://qt.nokia.com/logo.png) without downloading it? Preferably using QNetworkAccessManager.

4th November 2010, 08:15
Sure. Issue a HEAD request for the file to the server. The content-length header value will be your file size.

4th November 2010, 09:13

I experimented a bit further and this does work for "regular" files but it doesn't work with the public link of a file on Dropbox. In that case, the header( QNetworkRequest::ContentLengthHeader) returns an empty QVariant.

Any further suggestions?

4th November 2010, 09:18
This probably means the file size is unavailable and you can't do anything about it. But before you give up check if the response you get is not a redirection, maybe the server tells you to try a different url that will return the proper size.

4th November 2010, 09:18
When the headers do not contain the file size in any form, you're out of luck.

4th November 2010, 09:48
These are the headers I get for the Dropbox file link:

ContentTypeHeader QVariant(QString, "application/xml")
ContentLengthHeader QVariant(, )
LocationHeader QVariant(, )
LastModifiedHeader QVariant(, )
CookieHeader QVariant(, )
SetCookieHeader QVariant(, )
"Server" "dbws"
"Date" "Thu, 04 Nov 2010 09:43:19 GMT"
"Content-Type" "application/xml"
"Connection" "keep-alive"
"x-robots-tag" "noindex,nofollow"
"etag" "87861968n"
"pragma" "public"
"cache-control" "max-age=0"
"Content-Encoding" "gzip"

No redirection...

As a comparison, here are the headers for http://qt.nokia.com/logo.png

ContentTypeHeader QVariant(QString, "image/png")
ContentLengthHeader QVariant(qlonglong, 1478)
LocationHeader QVariant(, )
LastModifiedHeader QVariant(QDateTime, QDateTime("wo 11. aug 09:06:42 2010") )
CookieHeader QVariant(, )
SetCookieHeader QVariant(, )
"Server" "nginx"
"Date" "Thu, 04 Nov 2010 09:46:15 GMT"
"Content-Type" "image/png"
"Connection" "keep-alive"
"Last-Modified" "Wed, 11 Aug 2010 09:06:42 GMT"
"X-Caching-Rule-Id" "downloads"
"X-Cache-Rule" "downloads"
"X-Header-Set-Id" "cache-in-proxy-24-hours"
"Cache-Control" "max-age=43200, s-maxage=43200, public"
"Content-Length" "1478"
"X-Varnish" "1135007819 1133377828"
"Age" "83560"
"Via" "1.1 varnish"

So I guess I'm out of luck!