View Full Version : Accessibility and Mac OS' VoiceOver

7th November 2010, 08:39
Has anyone tried using QT 4.7 and Mac OS 10.6's VoiceOver? I've designed a simple QDialog application with a QLineEdit and a QButton. The only thing VoiceOver recognizes is the caption of the QDialog. Both the QLineEdit and QButton are listed as "Unknown".

I've read several bug reports regarding accessibility in QT's bug-reporting system, but it appears to be minor issues whereas nothing is working when I try.

Here's my .pro file:

HEADERS = mainwindow.h
SOURCES = main.cpp mainwindow.cpp
FORMS = mainwindow.ui


CONFIG += accessibility

QTPLUGIN += qtaccessiblewidgets

Do I need to do more to get accessibility working in a QT app?

-- Bjoern

14th November 2010, 19:56
Hm, found this article which says that Cocoa doesn't support Accessibility: http://doc.qt.nokia.com/4.7/developing-on-mac.html

-- Bjoern