9th November 2010, 22:21
I've done quite a lot of looking and reading around the QDom and QXmlPatterns functionality. I'm after the ability to run XQuery/XPath on XML data and persist changes.
Having started with QDomDocument and it's persistance functionality (appendChild, removeChild(), set and save() etc) I saw reference that QXmlPatterns is now prefered to QDomDocument. However QXmlPatterns has no 'obvious' persistence mechanisms. Unless sub-classing QSimpleXmlNodeModel or QAbstractXmlNodeModel is how this is done.
I'm actually now wondering if XQuery Update Facility has been, or is still planned to be, implemented within Qt.
I see it was being considered a couple of years ago http://lists.trolltech.com/qt-interest/2008-06/thread00653-0.html and an expired task-tracker for "Add XQuery Update Facility to Qt's XQuery Support" (http://qt.nokia.com/developer/task-tracker/index_html?method=entry&id=214284) but can't see any reference in Qt 4.6 or 4.7.
Any view or am I missing something? - this would be a great :cool: addition.
Having started with QDomDocument and it's persistance functionality (appendChild, removeChild(), set and save() etc) I saw reference that QXmlPatterns is now prefered to QDomDocument. However QXmlPatterns has no 'obvious' persistence mechanisms. Unless sub-classing QSimpleXmlNodeModel or QAbstractXmlNodeModel is how this is done.
I'm actually now wondering if XQuery Update Facility has been, or is still planned to be, implemented within Qt.
I see it was being considered a couple of years ago http://lists.trolltech.com/qt-interest/2008-06/thread00653-0.html and an expired task-tracker for "Add XQuery Update Facility to Qt's XQuery Support" (http://qt.nokia.com/developer/task-tracker/index_html?method=entry&id=214284) but can't see any reference in Qt 4.6 or 4.7.
Any view or am I missing something? - this would be a great :cool: addition.