View Full Version : Trouble building PropertyBrowser from solutions.

10th November 2010, 21:05
I'm trying to build the qtpropertybrowser item from the solutions thing I downloaded from http://qt.gitorious.org/qt-solutions -- I'm having nothing but problems. I'm working with windows, VC2010.

First I had to copy moc.exe and rcc.exe into bin/bin because for some reason it INSISTS on using QTDIR/bin/bin/moc.exe instead of referring to the path or even QTBIN. Don't get it but figured I'd mess with that crap later.

I tried using the VS plugin to open from .pro but it's not working so well. So I decided to try from cmd line.

I ran the configure.bat -library like it says to. It says it was configured. After editing the .pro file to actually use its own include files (only . was in the list, src/ was needed also) I finally get it starting to build. It attempts to build an exe and fails at the linker stage. No library or dll files are created even though the build gets past the library part.

Are these solution bits even usable anymore? There seems to be some rather serious issues with them that are seemingly basic, in addition to the crap I can't seem to solve.

Added after 27 minutes:

Seems to be going better now. First couple tries must have hosed things. Deleted and reextracted it all and now I'm able to build it. Still had to do some editing to make it build the library. For some reason it thinks the .dll should be built with XXX_IMPORT rather than XXXX_EXPORT defined :rolleyes:

10th November 2010, 21:46
I can report no issues at all building the qtpropertybrowser on Linux or Windows using MingW (Qt SDK). No edits required and no juggling executable locations. Looks like these problems are limited to VC2010 (which is listed as Tier 2 on Win 7 and not at all in Tier 1 support) or to your specific environment.