11th November 2010, 08:58
With this sample code, I'm trying to do 7 frames with 8 lines of text each. When I print it in a PDF, the first line of the 7 frame is on the first page and the rest of the same frame is on the second page.
I would like that if the entire frame doesn't fit on the page, to have a page break before it to ensure the frame are never split.
I tough the "frameFormat.setPageBreakPolicy(QTextFormat::PageBr eak_Auto);" would be enough.
Is there a way to do it? Or is it possible to know in advance if a frame will be split and do a "frameFormat.setPageBreakPolicy(QTextFormat::PageBr eak_AlwaysBefore);" only for that frame?
QTextDocument *doc = ui->textEdit->document();
QTextCursor cursor(doc);
for (int j=1; j<=7; j++) {
QTextFrameFormat frameFormat;
if (j % 2) {
frameFormat.setPageBreakPolicy(QTextFormat::PageBr eak_Auto);
for (int i=1; i<=8; i++) {
cursor.insertText(QString("frame %1 - line %2\n").arg(QString::number(j),
QPrinter *printer = new QPrinter();
QPrintDialog printDialog(printer, this);
if (printDialog.exec() == QDialog::Accepted) {
With this sample code, I'm trying to do 7 frames with 8 lines of text each. When I print it in a PDF, the first line of the 7 frame is on the first page and the rest of the same frame is on the second page.
I would like that if the entire frame doesn't fit on the page, to have a page break before it to ensure the frame are never split.
I tough the "frameFormat.setPageBreakPolicy(QTextFormat::PageBr eak_Auto);" would be enough.
Is there a way to do it? Or is it possible to know in advance if a frame will be split and do a "frameFormat.setPageBreakPolicy(QTextFormat::PageBr eak_AlwaysBefore);" only for that frame?
QTextDocument *doc = ui->textEdit->document();
QTextCursor cursor(doc);
for (int j=1; j<=7; j++) {
QTextFrameFormat frameFormat;
if (j % 2) {
frameFormat.setPageBreakPolicy(QTextFormat::PageBr eak_Auto);
for (int i=1; i<=8; i++) {
cursor.insertText(QString("frame %1 - line %2\n").arg(QString::number(j),
QPrinter *printer = new QPrinter();
QPrintDialog printDialog(printer, this);
if (printDialog.exec() == QDialog::Accepted) {