View Full Version : combining frameworks (libcinder or openframeworks)

14th November 2010, 05:06

I am trying to combine Qt with libcinder. I want to maintain the use of qmake to generate build projects for various platforms. Libcinder also has a complicated set-up for build projects.

Is there a way to combine them properly? We were also looking into using OpenFrameworks.

14th November 2010, 08:56
Got it to work on mac: http://code.google.com/p/cinderqt/

6th January 2011, 09:58
Hi !
Could you tell us the benefit to combine QT + cinder ?

I am actually using QT for a software where I can setup a 3D scene and control the content of the 3D scene using the QT Gui.
I like very much QT because it is cross platform and we need that.

Libcinder is very nice, but not for Linux right now, which is a drawback to me.

Thank you !