View Full Version : Add a QGraphicsTextItem with a gradient

16th November 2010, 10:38

I'd like to add a text with a gradient like this

But I'm using a QGraphicsScene (and it doesn't have a setPen() method) and I should add a QGraphicsTextItem...is there a way to do so?


16th November 2010, 10:52
One way is to subclass QGraphicsTextItem and do the painting yourself. Depending on how complicated your text actually is.

16th November 2010, 11:02
I'd like to build up a gradient system for a general text (for example it should work for both "Hello World!" and "Last week I went in Canada and met John. Then...").
How can I do the painting myself? I'm not sure about the functions I have to use to make the painting...


16th November 2010, 11:05
The question is more if you plan to use HTML within your item. As for normal texts, you have to reimp the paint method and use the painter. Then you could set the gradient to the pen. See QGraphicsItem::paint(). You can also try to just set the pen and call the base class implementation with the modified painter.

16th November 2010, 11:09
I'll try it and let you know...thanks!

16th November 2010, 17:50
I've solved in a very simple way (but it's not the more general-purpose way). I used this site
to generate a HTML text with a "gradient" color. so I call the setHTML() method of the qGraphicsTextItems passing the HTML strings..:)