View Full Version : Creating list with images and widgets laid out

16th November 2010, 21:23

I would like to create a member list for an administration program of our sports club, showing a photo and some detailed information next to the photo. The source data is in a database.

See the image in attachment for a sample (created using MS Access).

How could I do that in Qt ? I know how to use a table view and show images in it, but afaik the other information cannot be arranged nicely around the photo.

Best regards,

17th November 2010, 04:33
You can always create a QWidget subclass. I guess that would be the easiest way to start.
Create a widget for the contents, and a parent one that can add or remove such content widgets.
Use a model/view pattern to make it easier to manage data.

But it is possible to do this with a tableview too. The editor becomes a more complex widget (custom delegate), or the photo spans more rows (changes to the view itself?).