View Full Version : how to make fixed size cells dynamic fill the rows of qtable

23rd November 2010, 02:28
i want realize a item list, the size of items in it are fixed, the items can fill the row when windows size changed, i tried icon mode of qlistwidget, it did not work that well ,so finally i chose qtablewidget, but i don't know how to make the items dynamic fill the table , that's no signal like sizeChanged() of QtableWidget,
so is there any other better way to realize this kind of list?

thanks, and sry for my poor english

23rd November 2010, 04:25
Did you set the resizeMode on your QListView?

23rd November 2010, 05:43
is it possiable to make QListView display constume item like QTableView (mutiple rows & mutiple cols)?

i tried qlistwidget with it's icon mode .but i did not need the icon, i only want to show a costume widget contains images, labels ,and btns