View Full Version : changing button background color

25th November 2010, 10:31

I've got some buttons on my main window. Each button is setting page on QStackedWidget. I want to change color of a button which was clicked. Is there any other way than using setStyleSheet? I'm asking because my stylesheet is quite complicated, and I want to change just background color. Any ideas?

thanks in advance
best regards

25th November 2010, 11:07

u can use QPalette

QPalette p=palette();
p.setBrush(QPalette::ButtonText, Qt::blue);
QPushButton *b=new QPushButton;

hope it helps

25th November 2010, 17:58
Third party here:

That will make the button a solid color, is there a way to change the button color with shades, so it looks like a modern button. Like it does by default, except chaning the theme color.

Any suggestions?

25th November 2010, 18:06
There is no simple way to do this with palettes or stylesheets. On some operating systems it will work, but others (<cough>Windows<cough>) do not allow button backgrounds to be altered. The only foolproof way to do this is to derive your own button class and override the paint method.

27th November 2010, 04:09
Third party here:

That will make the button a solid color, is there a way to change the button color with shades, so it looks like a modern button. Like it does by default, except chaning the theme color.

Any suggestions?

To make the shade in buttons , u can use stylesheets's transparent property or u can design ur own images and apply to the button;

for Gradient:

QLinearGradient( x1: 0, y1: 0, x2: 0, y2: 1, stop: 0 #88d, stop: 0.1 #99e, stop: 0.49 #77c, stop: 0.5 #66b, stop: 1 #77c);

for images :

background-image: url(/path/to/image.png);

Hope it helps
