View Full Version : encoding problem

26th November 2010, 21:26
I am using Qt to develop application in Croatian language (special characters: čćšđž) for Symbian and I have problem with encoding.

All that I create in Qt Designer is visible correctly on my Nokia simulator. But when I put it on my phone, the characters are not showing correctly.

Second thing, when I am trying to put new text for QPushButton, or print text with qDebug, it is not showing correctly even on my simulator.

I tried:

int main(int argc, char *argv[])
QApplication a(argc, argv);
QTextCodec *codec = QTextCodec::codecForName("UTF-8");

and set in Options envoriment encoding to UTF-8, but nothing help.

Any help from you guys :/

26th November 2010, 23:41
ok, I fixed character showing in my simulator (I made my new projec and now it is working well). But on symbian it is not showing properly.