View Full Version : Designer.exe does not start

28th November 2010, 14:48
I want to try Qt with VS 2010. Thus I downloaded the sources and compiled them (on a VS x64 command prompt with configure -platform win32-msvc2010 -no-qt3support & nmake). It seems like it worked (got no errors and a lot libs and dlls where created)

My problem: When I go into the qt bin folder and try to start Designer.exe the program instantly crashes (with the typical "you want to send a report to microsoft? window).
I can start qtdemo.exe, and most of the demos start. But many of them crash too when I click on certain contrails. For example I can launch Layouts->Dynamic Layouts application, but when I click on the orientation combobox the program crashes.
Do I have to do another step after configure & nmake to use Qt?

Oh, another thing: In the Qt lib folder are all the import libs .lib and .dll files. Don't I have to copy all the DLLs into a Win32 system folder to make them accessible for all apps?

28th November 2010, 17:15
No, never copy the DLLs in the Win32 system folder. You'll just end up with DLL hell, and much more trouble than your getting now.

Windows 7 (and possibly Vista) will not even allow you to modify a directory such as that one. Its reserved for the OS, let the OS manage it.

28th November 2010, 17:37
Well, then why do the Qt applications (designer.exe) etc. in folder "bin" not work?