View Full Version : QPushButton click

29th November 2010, 14:36
Hi, there.
I got little problem:
i connected QPushButton clicked() signal to my custom slot:

QObject::connect( ui->pushButton, SIGNAL(clicked()), this, SLOT(on_pushButton_clicked()));
but when I click on pushButton signal clicked() is sent twice ( on_pushButton_clicked() is called twice).
Any ideas?

29th November 2010, 14:39
The slot is connected twice.
Once by auto-connect (because of the name on_OBJECTNAME_SIGNALNAME), and once by you (when you call connect)

LE: I couldn't find the reference for auto connect, only this (http://doc.qt.nokia.com/4.0/designer-using-a-component.html#a-dialog-with-auto-connect) (but there isn't much to say anyway)
To solve your issue, use a different name and QObject::connect(...), or use the name-ing convention and the signal will be auto-connected with the slot (remember two connections between one signal and one slot means two executions of the slot for each time the signal is emitted)

29th November 2010, 14:47
OH, I got it. Thanks!!