View Full Version : Example for Http put

30th November 2010, 05:26
Hello All

This is my first post here and indeed this is a very informative forum. :-)

Can any body provide me an example of doing http put using QNetworkAccessManger class.

I tried a lot but was not successful.


30th November 2010, 05:47
Please post the errors you get and the code you tried.

30th November 2010, 05:57
hello tbscope

thanks for the reply.

I am not getting any errors but the at the same time my data is also not going to the server following is the code i tried:

QNetworkRequest request(QUrl("my url"));

QByteArray data;
QUrl param;



where nam is QNetworkAccessManager.

I guess the way i am doing is wrong as this is my first time i am working with put with http.

Please let me know where i need to make changes.


30th November 2010, 06:17
Your use of a QUrl and addEncodedQueryItem and converting the results to a string certainly seem weird to me.
And are you sure the server accepts a PUT request?

Can you debug the exact data you send to see if it is really what you want to send?

30th November 2010, 06:21
hello tbscope

Thats what i want to know, in what manner i should send data when using http put, can you make me clear with that first.

Secondly yes the server accepts data using http put. I just tried to do what i used during http post, so it will great if you can make me understand with the format i need to send the data to the server.


30th November 2010, 06:28
Add these lines to your code, then look if it is exactly the same as you tried before (when it worked).

#include <QDebug>
qDebug() << param.toString().toAscii();

30th November 2010, 06:44
Add these lines to your code, then look if it is exactly the same as you tried before (when it worked).


I guess there is a misunderstanding i never said that it worked for me earlier, the post methods for a different API call in the server works for me but now i have to send a put request to the server with parameters and i am unable to do that . :-(