View Full Version : How to send a "Ctrl+V" event to a QWebView

1st December 2010, 06:05
QWebView may have several text fields embedded within it. I want that the user, if he wishes to paste something on to those fields, presses the paste icon, the text should go into those fields. The clipboard already has the text. One way would be if I can send a "Ctrl + V" signal to QWebView, making the text fields there, think that the user has pressed that combination and paste the clipboard's contents Basically, I want to simulate a keyboard event. How should I do that ?

1st December 2010, 08:59
Did you read this? http://doc.qt.nokia.com/4.7-snapshot/qwebview.html#pageAction

1st December 2010, 09:51
Thanks. I got it.