View Full Version : Qt development environment on Red Hat Linux

1st December 2010, 07:05

I am new to Qt, I have read some posts online, but would like to hear from the experts regarding the development environment.

I am using Qt 4 on Red Had Linux,

what development tools do you recommend to develop Qt applications on Red Hat Linux, Qt Creator, KDevelop, Qt Designer, ...?
is that a good practice to use Visual Studio on Windows for Qt development, including debugging, then build it again on Linux?
Is there a debugger available on Linux environment for Qt application, is that good?

Thank you in advance for your help.

new to Qt

1st December 2010, 08:23
Hi Qqt!

I don't use Red Hat myself but I do use a combination of Windows XP (why?!), Mac OS X (10.6), Ubuntu (10.10) and Ubuntu 9.04

On all of these platforms I am using Qt Creator 2.1 RC as an IDE and it works well. The newer features (KATE syntax highlighting) have lead me to use it for more than C++ editing.

I haven't used Dev Studio on Windows for Qt for some time but when I did use it it worked well.

There is a debugger - in fact it's GDB. Creator integrates quite tightly with GDB and provides a GUI. This also works well.

The only things that I need to change when moving my software between platforms are installer scripts (Qt has no mechanism for this) and a small clutch of my own multi-platform libraries.

My preferred order of platforms is Ubuntu 10.10, Mac OS X, Ubuntu 9.04, Windows XP.

The only reason XP is last is that it lacks industrial strength command line tools to help me. In that respect the *nix platforms just win out - I'm told good things about PowerShell or Cygwin but I can't say I've dug into them that much.


1st December 2010, 10:00

what development tools do you recommend to develop Qt applications on Red Hat Linux, Qt Creator, KDevelop, Qt Designer, ...?
i recommend Qt Creator.

is that a good practice to use Visual Studio on Windows for Qt development, including debugging, then build it again on Linux?
i dont think its a good practice to use VS and again compile in linux. Qt Creator is still the best option to develop Qt apps. u can use it in linux too

Is there a debugger available on Linux environment for Qt application, is that good?
yes , GDB is a good debugger available on Linux environment

hope it helps

4th December 2010, 04:17
Thanks for sharing your experience.