View Full Version : Qt winXP binary on windows7?

1st December 2010, 15:16

I compiled a program on windows XP with MinGW and the the Qt libs statically linked.
This works nice.

The executable runs as well on Vista and windows 7.
However, is there any difference in speed/performance when I compile it on Vista/windows 7?
Does, for example, QPainter gains performance when I compile it on windows 7?

In other words, is there any reason to compile/build different executables for windows XP, Vista and 7?

1st December 2010, 18:52
interesting question...

i'm in the same situation...

1st December 2010, 19:35
I didn't had any problems with that, but i use it somewhat reversed (i build on Win 7 and run on Xp)
There shouldn't be any problems with this, i'm curious if someone had some issues?

But the thing i have noticed is that the (potential) bugs might have different behavior on different platforms, or different versions of one platform. Mostly because the OS might behave differently with some type of failure, like for example the Fault Tolerant Heap present in Windows 7 (i don't think FTH is a good idea, but maybe it's just me)