View Full Version : Wierd problem with QGraphicsItems...

6th December 2010, 13:56
I have a dll that I inject into a QT application. (It's possible if you ask)
All that needs to be done (By my injected dll) is to investigate the QT application's UI.

The QT application has a QGraphicsView with many QGraphicsItems.
In my dll code I go over all the QGraphicsItems and print out to a log file, the item's x, y, width, height, and toolTip.

It's all working well, except that some items that have tooltip, return empty string... And the rest return the right tooltip.

For better investigation, I went over all the QGraphicsItems and set their toolTip to "XXX", and when I run it, almost all the items on the stage had a "XXX" toolTip! Great!

Except some that still had the original tooltip. I guess that these items are the items the return empty strings before...

Where are these Items coming from? how can I find them???
I use the QGraphicsView.items function to get all the view's items.

Help Help.
Any idea would do.
