View Full Version : Capabilities problem

7th December 2010, 20:43

Im doing guitar tuner which im trying to run on my N8. The program works fine on simulator, but when running it on N8 through Qt Creator I get following Application Output:

Installing application...
Starting application...
Application running with pid 25366.
Application starts ok on my phone, but when I hit tune button, which starts reading microphone data, program will crash. After that Application Output looks following:

Deploying application to 'Nokia N8-00 USB (COM10)'...
Copying installation file...
Installing application...
Starting application...
Application running with pid 25242.
Process 25242, thread 25243 stopped at 0x27170: A code abort exception has occurred.

In pro. file I have added UserEnvironment capability, which should be enough as far as I know.

Any ideas to fix this problem?

18th August 2011, 11:36
check your .pro file and make some change
QT += core gui sql network multimedia # use multimedia here only once in your .pro file
MOBILITY += sensors bearer systeminfo # if you use multimedia here please remove it
TARGET.CAPABILITY += ReadDeviceData ReadUserData WriteDeviceData WriteUserData UserEnvironment NetworkServices
try this may be it is helpful of you