View Full Version : phonon playback delay

8th December 2010, 10:19
I'm using Phonon for simple audio playback and noticed a delay before the sounds start playing. that is, I call play (or setCurrentSound, enqueue, etc.) and it takes a few moments before the sound plays back. It appears that it is tied to message loop activity, or perhaps it needs to get back to the message loop before it starts playing.

What I need is that the sound has to start the moment I call play, otherwise it won't be matched to the action that caused it. How can this be done?

Added after 25 minutes:

With a simple test I can confirm that it needs to return to the message loop before the sound playback will begin. This is a terrible limitation of the system. Let's just hope if I put it in a thread the thread loop will be enough. :mad:

8th December 2010, 13:36
Trying to put this in a thread has led to several problems. It simply isn't possible as the AudioOutput object cannot be created in a thread. Thus all signals are still tied to the main event loop.

I am very unimpressed with Phonon.